1.Ebola Fever Spreads by contact with body fluids of infected person.
The disease affects animals and humans. It comes into the human population through contact with the blood, secretions, meat and other body fluids of infected animals. It can also happen when animals with the disease (dead or alive) are handled by human beings. These animals include chimpanzee, gorillas, monkeys, fruit bats and antelopes.
Once it enters the human population, it then spreads from person to person through contact with the blood, secretions, and other body fluids including semen of the infected persons. Even poor handling of bodies of persons who died from the disease also help in the spread.
Health workers (doctors, nurses, laboratory scientists etc ) can contract the disease if special care is not taken during treatment of the infected person.
Infected persons can infect others up to two months after the onset of the disease.
2.Cashew nuts reduce risk of heart disease
Studies have shown that regular consumption of cashew nuts reduces the risk of heart disease by about 30-50% depending on the population. The nutrients contained in nuts including Omega-3 help to reduce cholesterol and low Density lipoprotein in the blood. These two are involved in the hardening of the walls of the blood vessel and also in the narrowing of the inside of them. The narrowing reduces the amount of blood reaching the heart resulting in heart disease.
The omega-3 in nuts may also protect against sudden deaths.
3.Pregnancy can cause anaemia
It is said that the mother’s blood volume increases by about 150 percent in order to meet the needs of the baby in the womb, if the iron intake is not enough, the mother may develop anaemia (low blood level). This situation is normally corrected during antenatal care with iron supplements.
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4.Mangoes Protect Your Eyes, Prevent Night Blindness
Vitamin A is necessary for proper development of the eyes, prevents dryness of the eyes and also ensures night vision, it prevents night blindness.
In fact, low Vitamin A level in the body can destroy the eyes.
5.Notify Partner if infected with STD.
Notify your sex partner if you have syphilis or any other sexually transmitted disease so that he or she can go for treatment.
6. Be aware of the existence of diseases.
Finally, the best preventive measure is to be aware that a disease exists, to know about the disease and to know how to avoid it.
7.Avoid sex with high risk group.
Avoiding sex with members of high risk groups is the beginning of wisdom. These groups include commercial sex workers, long distance lorry drivers, refugees, convicts, migratory labourers, professional blood donors and drug addicts. If it must happen then use a condom.

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