Over 30 percent of women who visit the hospital complain of vaginal discharge, but not all are due to infection or illness. When not excessive and without odor, it could be normal.
In some cases, the discharge could be excessive, but without smell, not pus-like and not itchy. This is called leucorrhea. This is normal.

In some other cases, apart from being excessive, it is pus-like, has a bad odor, there is itching and also vaginal irritation. This is abnormal vaginal discharge.
Several conditions are responsible for abnormal and normal vaginal discharge.  Some are discussed below.
1. Pregnancy
Pregnancy is associated with excessive vaginal discharge; this discharge is normal but just excessive. It is clear, not pus-like, not smelly, not irritating and also not associated with itching.
2. Ovulation
Excessive vaginal discharge could occur around the period of ovulation, about mid menstrual cycle. This discharge is clear, not pus-like, not smelly, not irritating and also not associated with itching.
3. Vaginal Candidiasis
Candidiasis is an infection of the vagina with a yeast- like agent called Candida Albicans. It is associated with vaginal itching and irritation. The discharge is whitish, thick and excessive.
This condition is common in pregnancy and could also follow prolonged use of some drugs and certain health conditions such as Diabetes Mellitus. It could be sexually transmitted.
Trichomoniasis is an infection of the vagina caused by a germ called Trichomonas Vaginalis.  The vaginal discharge is excessive, light, smelly and light yellowish in colour. It is associated with itching and pain when passing urine. The lining of the vagina also has tiny red spots. It is a sexually transmitted disease
5. Cervical Erosion
The cervix is the opening of the womb. When eroded, it is reddish in appearance and associated with excessive normal vaginal discharge. This discharge is clear, not pus-like, not smelly, not irritating and also not associated with itching.
6. Chlamydia Infection.
This is a sexually transmitted disease caused by bacteria. In most cases, it does not show itself, if undetected and not treated could lead to severe complications. The discharge is excessive, thick and whitish. It is accompanied by pain on passing urine.
7. Gonorrhea
Gonorrhea is caused by a germ called Neisserria  gonnorrheae and is occasionally associated with vaginal discharge. In most cases the disease does not show itself in women.
When it does, the discharge is whitish, thick and associated with vaginal irritation; there is also pain on passing urine. It is a sexually transmitted disease

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